Every now and then, I get this sudden serge of "I need to make something weird, wild, and without rules." And I'm talking a spontaneous serge. An out-of-nowhere serge. An I-just-need-to-create-something serge. Without further ado, I Introduce to you, Bill. Bill arrived late on a Friday night. A chimp, space, some bananas, more chimps residing around the earth—what more could a creator ask for? And then I shared Bill with some friends and family members, and what happened from there was something I wasn't expecting at all. The next day, I get a text from my cousin, John, saying: "you'll never believe what I dreamed of last night." So I took the bait and asked about this dream of his, and he told me he had a dream about Bill. Naturally, I was flattered, because not only did he enjoy Bill when I showed him the previous day, but he actually had a dream about my work—now, that's pretty cool. But what happened in this dream is what really sparked my interest. According to John, he had a dream about Bill, but this time, Bill resided on a throne of bananas, with a crown of colorful chimps, surrounded by stone monkeys with jewels for eyes, all while floating on a large rock, in space, passing by the moon. As soon as he told me this I remember thinking, "This is phenomenal. I must make this." Thus began the start of the mini series of Bill. With a tremendous about of gratitude, I give a huge thanks to my cousin and his subconscious mind. And maybe, just maybe, there will be more Bill dreams in the future to recreate.