One of the things I love the most, is driving somewhere to see a new place, and I very much enjoy seeing it all from within the vehicle. More often than not, when traveling somewhere via automobile, you experience a great deal of the journey behind the barrier of the windshield, other surrounding windows, and the body of the vehicle itself. Because of this, your view through these obstructions isn't always crystal clear. Instead, the view is partially blocked with dust and dirt from the road, bugs who were in the wrong place at the wrong time and met their inescapable fate, lodged rocks from drivers ahead, cracks from said rocks and said drivers ahead, stickers from last month's oil change, and the list goes on. Minor Obstructions is an ongoing series that captures and explores this relationship of traveling and viewing the travel behind all of these obstructions. There's something about this relationship that feels incredibly real, placing you in a very specific moment in time, and highlights an unusual beauty.